
staff & trainers

Pietro Curatola

Graduated from Modena University in business economics, Pietro has been working for 16 years in Emilia Romagna in the field of business development and access to finance. During the “Modena period”, when he was 30, he lived a small 6 months parenthesis in London attending an English course and working at the same time. In 2012, feeling inside the deep sense of belonging to the South and understanding that the family needed him, he decided to come back to Soverato (CZ) aware that, with the competencies and experience gained, he could have been an active player at the local level. At the end of the same year, he founded JUMP Gioventù in riSalto and started to train himself in the field of Project Design and Management, applying for grants and monitoring EU funding programs, upgrading himself, and networking. He attended a 5 months high-level master’s in Rome and a specific course in Cosenza. In 2013 – 2014 JUMP was soon awarded the first EU projects and it started a period of intensive activities, training, and mobilities in Italy and abroad. Now is still JUMP President and engine, organizing events, training, and being also a private consultant for potential young entrepreneurs.

Erika Gerardini

2002-2003 One year Erasmus studies in Càceres, Spain including a working experience in Barcelona. 2005. Graduated in foreign languages and international communication at Parma University, Erika started soon to work in the field of international youth mobility and European projects in Rome during the civil service by AFSAI, Associazione per la Formazione e gli Scambi Culturali (2003-2004). Through AFSAI Erika travelled around Europe (as Team Leader for young people and young adults) and also in Latin America (Costa Rica) as responsible for an important project on violence against women and gender balance in Eu society. 

One of the main important working experiences for her has been afterwards, from 2005, by the FNG Forum Nazionale Giovani (The National Youth Council), for 3 years as an international officer, project designer, and trainer. She could approach how it works as an important institution depending directly on the Government being involved in international European events, training and long term processes of cooperation between Europe and the rest of the world. Erika was uncharged to write EU projects and meetings also with Africa and Latin America. In 2008 Erika founded, with a close group of colleagues, AIM Agency for Interculture and Mobility in Rome which in 2009 was awarded a long-term contract by the Italian Representation of the European Commission in Italy and the Office of the European Parliament in Italy. In 2010 Erika started to work inside the secretary’s office of the Spazio Europa, the so-called “European Public Space” managed by the European Commission and the Parliament together. In this role, as responsible of the team of trainers, Erika cooperated in many European projects, with the same Erasmus Plus Agencies and has been trainer in many fields for different target groups: school leaders, teachers, entrepreneurs, politicians and young people. 

In 2014 for love, she left the “eternal capital” and moved to Soverato (CZ) with the same aim of being an active player at the local level and bringing social innovation thanks to her experience at the European level. She coordinates with Pietro Curatola, the President and founder of JUMP, the JUMP Team and they developed together the JUMP ACADEMY Professional Training network. 

Since 2017 she’s co-founder of the C.T.E. Closer To Europe company, an ltd created with the aim at employed especially the young people of the local context to be active players and work in the field of “educational and experiental tourism”. The C.T.E, together with JUMP, are now concrete realities for years bringing internationalization, raising economy and creating employment.

Erika Gerardini is mainly a coordinator, a trainer, a project writer and project developer. For other entities she’s a consultant and a mentor for less experienced employees.


Ylenia Azzaro

Graduated at Modena University in “Languages for Enterprise Communication and International Organizations” in 2017. She has a great passion for intercultural contexts and international exchanges. During her academic career, thanks to the Erasmus Project, she had the opportunity to spend six months in Zaragoza (Spain) developing social and intercultural skills. She started to work as a translator for a European Translation Center in Modena (2017) and then she decided to come back to Calabria to work for a Tour Operator company in Soverato, developing communication and managerial skills.

In 2018, she participated in the National Civil Service project, working as a volunteer for the Employment Office in Soverato. During this period, she worked as a teacher for a Language School in Catanzaro. She currently works with JUMP in the field of Erasmus Plus, as a Project Manager, Social Media Manager and Administrative Staff. She also collaborates as trainer for Experience Italy, Outdoor Learning and Outdoor Education courses.

She’s very open-minded person, always ready for new challenges and adventures!

Catherine Perri

Catherine Perri,  an Australian native with Italian heritage, left a promising career with the Australian Tax Department and moved to Italy in 1986. She married  soon after and started a family. Catherine was fortunate enough to be able to take time away from work to raise her three wonderful children. Once they were in school, she quickly resumed her professional path and specialized in teaching. She is a natural teacher and it shows. She is kind, caring, precise and encouraging. She has taught in many European Union projects and regular courses in local schools.


She has years of experience in exam preparation and is also a certified English language examiner. She excelled quickly while teaching in both private and public schools in Italy as well as teaching online. She has extensive experience teaching both undergraduates and graduate level university courses at Calabria University (UNICAL) and Dante Alighieri University. She absolutely enjoys challenges and deep diving into new projects and life experiences. She is resourceful, exuberant and energetic. Students old and new are captivated by her enthusiasm and support.


She currently employs her skills in many areas. She collaborates with national and international government bodies performing tasks ranging from translations, interpreter services, transcription services, and cultural preparation. 

She is an educational coach and guides students through the educational process. She is a motivated speaker and a professional teacher’s coach . She helps other teachers get up to speed on new procedures and best practices. She delights in the success of others.

Catherine’s keen eye for detail helps her when editing academic and scientific papers. 

Her stunning personality shines when she is giving courses on CLIL, Coaching and Mentoring, Presentation skills, Business English, Motivational speaking or Academic English. She works with proven methods and injects professionalism in everything she does. In fact, her teaching philosophy is that every successful lesson should be interactive, communicative, educational and fun.

Enza Procopio

She was born in Soverato, Calabria.  She has several years of experience in administrative and customer management roles. In addition, she committed a lot of study time perfecting her communication skills and human relations in the workplace. She spent many years working on board cruise ships being in contact with different cultures, languages, and nationalities. After many years of experience, she decided to try a new challenge and to use the experience she had within a public-facing role ashore.She is a very positive and reliable person, who likes to throw myself headfirst into work, in order to please her own and the team’s standard of work, to have opportunities for growth, and to learn new things. She would like to contribute to developing new ideas, new perspectives, and future collaboration. She has excellent communication skills, team leader skills because this was the main purpose to work on board, and a good knowledge and practice of foreign languages. After many years around the world, she took a little break in which she reflected on what could satisfy her and she questioned herself “can you travel staying in your own land?” her answer is yes, and here she is.

George Moore said: “a man travels the world over in search of what he needs and returns home to find it.”

Giusy Froio

She graduated from Milan University with a Bachelor’s degree in “Language Mediation and Intercultural Communication” in 2017. Also, she had the opportunity to spend 5 months in Paris thanks to the Erasmus+ program having a first approach to different learning methods and contact with a broader multicultural context.

In 2021, she earned a Master’s Degree in “Planning and Management of Tourism Systems” at the University of Bergamo, which allowed her to deepen her studies about sustainable tourism and cultural heritage. During these years her academic research was based mainly on Calabria territory as a tourism destination and she specialized on the theme of intangible heritage as a resource for sustainable development.

Relating to her professional career, she worked as a cultural mediator in museums such as Triennale Milano in Milan and as a luxury hotel receptionist and event planner in Tuscany.

In 2023 she started traveling solo around the world, visiting European and extra-European countries, strengthening her passion for cultural exchange and her belief that with empathy and an open mind, the world is a beautiful place to live.

Giuseppe Perrotti

Graduated from Catanzaro’s UMG School of Veterinary Medicine. Specialized in Applied Ethology and Animal Welfare at the University of Naples Federico II. Nominated Expert in Behavioural Medicine by FNOVI (Italian Federation of Orders of Veterinary Medicine). Earned a Master’s in Life Coaching and a certification in Positive Psychology from the Transformation Academy. Graduated as an Expert in Mindfulness Meditation Protocols for Families, Schools, Companies, and Therapy from IEPP (European Institute of Positive Psychology). Practitioner of Art Therapy. Trainer in cross training and functional training. A few exams away from graduating in Clinical Psychology with a Strategic Approach.

He published one book for children “Smite il più piccolo dei giganti” and a collection of short stories “Unseeliest ed altri racconti liminali.” His poem “Ancora una” was among the Finalists of the Il Federiciano XV ed. poetry contest and included within the corresponding anthology of authors “Il Federiciano Blu XV edizione – 2024.” His book “Delia Amore-Distruzione-Eros” will see the light in April 2024. He speaks fluent English as a result of living for two years in the United States, meanwhile attending public middle school. Has a great passion for life and curiosity. Eager to share his personal knowledge as well as knowing more about others. His contributions to the Jump team focus on Emotional Awareness, Stress Management, Outdoor Education, Eco-Schooling, Storytelling, Critical Thinking, Cultural Heritage, STEM/STEAM/STREAM, Mindfulness, Special Needs Education, Inclusion for the classroom, Team building and a bubbly sense of humor (which he won’t teach but will gladly share).

Pietro Saltatetti

A young and independent movie maker, capable of directing, filming and editing short movies and documentaries, with a tested experience in the sector. 

He has a bachelor’s degree in DAMS (Disciplines of the Arts, Music and Spectacle) at the Roma Tre University of Rome with a focus on Cinema, Television and new media.

His passion for cinematography was born during his last high school year, by attending a filmmaking laboratory taught by the independent filmmaker Luca Piermarteri. After high school she soon started working as an assistant for his former cinema teacher, learning precious experience in movie making techniques, editing softwares and working on sets. 

His  capabilities made him able to teach moviemaking to teenagers and kids as young as twelve years old for many school projects that were aimed at instructing the new generations the importance of media literacy.

He has worked in this field since he was 18 years old, in the beginning as an assistant and later down the line as camera operator, video editor and teacher.

The main projects he has worked to are “Castelli al Cinema”: an initiative by the MIUR to bring a moviemaking laboratory in up to 7 highschools in the Castelli Romani area, “Foscolo Film Production”: a cinema laboratory of the Ugo Foscolo High School, “Class Action”: a documentary about the last year of Highschool of the students of the I.T.T. Livia Bottardi, “Aldo Salerno” a documentary about the former amateur football coach Aldo Salerno.    

He is really passionate about his job and he’s constantly seeking ways to improve and new challenges.

To watch some of his works here the links

Jolanta Kolanowska

It’s probably the only chef blogger of Ionian Cost, maybe of Calabria, Jolanta is Polish but she was living in London for a long time and then moved to Italy where she lives since 6 years. Her daily activity is cooking; expert in “cake design” but also very creative in managing her home-restaurant in Satriano (CZ). 

Jolanta unites in cooking many different ingredients: creativity, international fusion, reflection, time management and she develops entrepreneurial competences aiming at the development of future plans and opportunities.

Jolanta is also a wife, a mother, a gran mother and travels in all around Europe invited to make “international cooking lessons” or demonstrations. 

For JUMP she was involved in the training “Experience Italy: language, culture and food” in September 2016 and in the “Outdoor Education Week” in October 2016. 

Connie Black

Connie Leotta graduated in Foreign languages at University G. Marconi in Rome, but before that she got her Cambridge University CELTA to specialize in Teaching Adults in a communicative way. She has been and she is still a D.O.S. in many language centers, she has taught in several private and states schools throughout Italy and USA. She is also an English Examiner for all levels of Common European Framework of Reference for Languages and she has been an interpreter for the Court and many international companies. She translated the book “Italian recipes Taste and Health” for the “Società Italiana di Igiene”.

Connie, American/Italian, grew up in Historical Philadelphia one of the most multicultured cities in the USA, decided to move to Italy to accept an inheritance and remained because she fell in love with Italian culture.

She loves poetry, reading and meeting new people. Whenever she can she organinizes cultural events and trips in Italy and USA.

Katarzyna Oklesinska

Katarzyna Oklesińska, Kasia in short, is from Poland and she has been an English Language Teacher for over ten years. 

She has graduated from BA and MA studies in English Philology with a primary specialisation in English Language Teaching and secondary specialisations in Translation and Polish Language Teaching. As part of her MA studies, Kasia also completed a year-long study abroad programme at University College Dublin in Ireland. Additionally, she graduated from a CELTA course and was awarded with Pass A.

 Kasia has a comprehensive English teaching experience as she worked with various age groups throughout her career: very young learners, primary education children, adolescents, university students and, finally, adults. Kasia worked as a language teacher in four different countries: Poland, the United Kingdom, Ireland and Italy. She is keen on getting to know different cultures and she thrives in a multinational environment – her students come from 5 different continents!

Her teacher training adventure began in 2017 while working as a Director of Studies at one of the language schools in Poland and Cambridge Authorised Exam Centre. Kasia also shared her teaching methodology knowledge with pre-service teachers at the University of Lodz, Poland, where she ran a course on adapting and developing ELT materials. She loves writing and she was a peer writing tutor at English wRiting Improvement Centre (ERIC) and an English Academic Writing instructor at the University of Lodz.

Currently, Kasia is a self-employed English Language Teacher and a teacher trainer. She runs Media Information Literacy (MIL) and Video Education course at JUMP. Kasia loves incorporating new technologies into her lessons as they provide a bridge between students’ real life and an educational context. She was inspired to start experimenting with video editing by her Italian students in Tuscany a few years ago and she has been a huge fan of digital storytelling ever since.

Mauro Nigro

Mauro Nigro is a videomaker. He worked in every role in the video production workflow. He directed short films(the award winners A WOMAN WITH BRAIN, SOMEBODY’S KNOCKING and CI VEDIAMO DI LA’) , commercials (for the football team Nuova Cosenza Calcio, and 3D commercial for CIPOMO and SIPO medical associations), music videos (for Etnosound, (“Vorria mu moru” videoclip won in 2012 the first edition of Premio Manente), Kutso, Moseek (allmyfriendzare)dead,Coffea Strange (Staying with my giants” has been best music video on march 2016 on and selected to airplay by UK “Latest TV”), Yosonu, Akusma(“e vota e gira” ESCAMONTAGE PRIZE AT 2016 roma videoclip festival). Worked for local televisions (Cam Tele 3, Videocalabria) directing, shooting, editing and creating artworks for many programs. Did many interview for web programs (Daniele Vicari, Urban Sounds) , some backstages (Battle on Ice/MissFraulein, La Moglie Del Sarto)and some documentary films(Cameroun Faces, “Ponti Pialesi” prize winning at Immagini a Confronto 2016 festival , Urban superstar, finalist at BELLARIA FILM FESTIVAL 2014). He also worked in a second shooting unit for a movie(La Moglie Del Sarto). He worked as filmaker for some
reportage that has been on air on the third channel of Italian National television RAI (shooting, editing, sound, photography of ACQUARAGGIA and IL CORAGGIO DI GIACOMOon air in the program Crash, impatto convivenza). He wrote plays, screenplays, music and text of many of the project he worked on. He worked as D.O.P. for the movies IO RESTO QUA, CHI HA UCCISO GIOVANNI LO­SARDO?, IN VIAGGIO CON LEI and for the short movies PLEASE RETURN TO, SOLITUDINI, 197, SAN BISOGNO, LA PRIMA LUCE, GIUSEPPE LETIZIA (LA MAFIA UCCIDE I BAMBINI). He also worked as D.O.P. on the calabrian part of the documentary IL TEMPO RIMASTO, directed by the DAVID OF DONATELLO AWARD WINNING director Daniele Gaglianone. Worked as D.O.P. for music videos “Tu che sai tutto” by Cance and “Le mie
ali” by Chiara F. he also was the D.O.P. of most of his works as a director.