Erika Gerardini

2002-2003 One year Erasmus studies in Càceres, Spain including a working experience in Barcelona. 2005. Graduated in foreign languages and international communication at Parma University, Erika started soon to work in the field of international youth mobility and European projects in Rome during the civil service by AFSAI, Associazione per la Formazione e gli Scambi Culturali (2003-2004). Through AFSAI Erika travelled around Europe (as Team Leader for young people and young adults) and also in Latin America (Costa Rica) as responsible for an important project on violence against women and gender balance in Eu society. 

One of the main important working experiences for her has been afterwards, from 2005, by the FNG Forum Nazionale Giovani (The National Youth Council), for 3 years as an international officer, project designer, and trainer. She could approach how it works as an important institution depending directly on the Government being involved in international European events, training and long term processes of cooperation between Europe and the rest of the world. Erika was uncharged to write EU projects and meetings also with Africa and Latin America. In 2008 Erika founded, with a close group of colleagues, AIM Agency for Interculture and Mobility in Rome which in 2009 was awarded a long-term contract by the Italian Representation of the European Commission in Italy and the Office of the European Parliament in Italy. In 2010 Erika started to work inside the secretary’s office of the Spazio Europa, the so-called “European Public Space” managed by the European Commission and the Parliament together. In this role, as responsible of the team of trainers, Erika cooperated in many European projects, with the same Erasmus Plus Agencies and has been trainer in many fields for different target groups: school leaders, teachers, entrepreneurs, politicians and young people. 

In 2014 for love, she left the “eternal capital” and moved to Soverato (CZ) with the same aim of being an active player at the local level and bringing social innovation thanks to her experience at the European level. She coordinates with Pietro Curatola, the President and founder of JUMP, the JUMP Team and they developed together the JUMP ACADEMY Professional Training network. 

Since 2017 she’s co-founder of the C.T.E. Closer To Europe company, an ltd created with the aim at employed especially the young people of the local context to be active players and work in the field of “educational and experiental tourism”. The C.T.E, together with JUMP, are now concrete realities for years bringing internationalization, raising economy and creating employment.

Erika Gerardini is mainly a coordinator, a trainer, a project writer and project developer. For other entities she’s a consultant and a mentor for less experienced employees.