Pietro Curatola
Graduated from Modena University in business economics, Pietro has been working for 16 years in Emilia Romagna in the field of business development and access to finance. During the “Modena period”, when he was 30, he lived a small 6 months parenthesis in London attending an English course and working at the same time. In 2012, feeling inside the deep sense of belonging to the South and understanding that the family needed him, he decided to come back to Soverato (CZ) aware that, with the competencies and experience gained, he could have been an active player at the local level. At the end of the same year, he founded JUMP Gioventù in riSalto and started to train himself in the field of Project Design and Management, applying for grants and monitoring EU funding programs, upgrading himself, and networking. He attended a 5 months high-level master’s in Rome and a specific course in Cosenza. In 2013 – 2014 JUMP was soon awarded the first EU projects and it started a period of intensive activities, training, and mobilities in Italy and abroad. Now is still JUMP President and engine, organizing events, training, and being also a private consultant for potential young entrepreneurs.