Mindful Youth

KA153-YOU - Mobility of youth workers

about the Project

The “Mindful Youth” project aims to enhance the skills and competencies of youth workers through a blended mobility which includes both online seminars and an on-site training in Soverato, Calabria, at JUMP’s premises. The mobility program is designed to benefit the individual youth workers, who will take an active role in all the stages of the project, but also the organizations they represent and the young people they work with. 

Along with the training sessions, we will also organize two local actions to give the participants a chance to put their newly acquired skills into practice. The participants will consist of 4 youth workers per partner organization coming from diverse backgrounds in order to bring a wealth of experience and knowledge to the table. 

The online seminars and on-site training will focus on specific topics relevant to the needs of youth workers such as enhancing the quality, impact and innovation of youth work with new practices and methods to support the personal development and overall wellbeing of young people who are facing challenges related to digital addiction and the use of digital technology. The proposed topics for the online seminars are “Mental Health in the Digital Age”, “Emotional Wellbeing in the Digital Age”, “Creating a Culture of Wellbeing in Youth Organizations” while the workshops will cover the topics of “Digital Detox: Tips and Strategies for Managing Technology Addiction”, “Mindfulness in the Digital Age”, “Physical Wellbeing in the Digital Age” and provide a set of best practices and usable practical instruments to youth workers.

The training sessions will be conducted by experts from the respective partner organizations, and the sessions will be designed to encourage active participation, group discussion, and hands-on learning.

After the online seminars, in the preparation phase before the mobility for the on site training, all partners will be involved in a local activity useful to collect quality information about  needs’ analysis of youth, their view about the topics mentioned and their habits. 

Partners & info

(LEADER) JUMP Gioventù in riSalto
LİDOSK - (Lycia Scouting and Nature Sports Club Association)
Health Activity and Technologies Institute
Smile for Europe


  • Digital skills and competences
  • Physical and mental health, well-being
  • Quality and innovation of youth work


Activities/Blended Mobilities

  • Blended Mobility: Empowering Youth Workers for Digital and Personal Wellbeing by JUMP  in Soverato in May 2024
    Training for youth workers “Mindful Youth and the Euro.Soul Festival”
  • Wellbeing Day


1st Online Training Session

“Mental Health in the Digital Age”

2nd Online Training Session

“Emotional Well-being in the Digital Age”

3rd Online Training Session

“Creating a Culture of Well-being in Youth Organizations”