about the Project
The main point of project L.O.R.D. is developing of a model of Local creation a Adult Development Center (LORD) in the Municipality of Wojnicz and the Municipality of Lousada by creating an educational offer adapted to the needs of adult learners over 60 years old (60+).
The aim of the project is to improve the quality of work and activities of partner organizations and to open up to new entities in cooperation which will be implemented through the joint development of a model of Local creation and creation Adult Development Center (LORD) in the commune of Wojnicz and the commune of Lousada by creating an educational offer adapted to the needs of adult
learners, and enriching the workshop of the Jump organization, which specializes in educating adults about new experiences, working tools in the form of a training program for organizations local education development centers in EU communities.
The result of the project will be:
– 2 pcs. model of creation and establishment of the L.O.R.D. by both of the partner communes individually according to diagnosed needs by each of them;
– 1 workshop program developed by the Jump organization for further training for other organizations aimed at establishing education development centers in their EU communities.
Partners & info
Learning Teaching Training
Italy (March 2023)
Portugal (June 2023)
Poland (August 2023)