“LET’S BOOK TRAILERS @SCHOOL”: new steps in international dissemination

EU-READ&ART project continues its fascinating journey and new interested people are continuously reached by the multiplier wave triggered by the cooperation between the partners, making it an increasingly lively entity open to reach and include new participants.

Regarding the activities developed by JUMP Association, the first of a new series of dissemination activity has been completed, that is the first edition of a new format of International Teachers Training that was held in Soverato (Italy) from 15 to 22 October 2023 with three Estonian participants, who were happy to discover and learn EU-READ&ART methodology and become able to create their first booktrailers.

JUMP Training Academy staff was trained during all the phases of EU-READ&ART project, and developed innovative skills regarding the creation of booktrailers and the ability to lead trainings to new beneficiaries. The staff of trainers integrated the methodology adapting it to different contexts, needs and ages of participants, developing an expertise that led to the creation of a new format of training course, now available in the organization portfolio and online catalogue, and that has already been requested by several international educators and schools.

The name given to this format of training is “LET’S BOOK TRAILERS @SCHOOL. Innovative methods to engage students, promote reading, and enhance literacy and digital skills.”

The creations of the participating teachers from Estonia have been already uploaded on the project platform, and, once back in their school, they will engage their students in this wave of creativity and promotion of reading.

Besides these actions of dissemination at the international level, JUMP’s activity is expanding the dissemination with strong effective impacts also at the local level in the Calabria region.

In 2023 a new project proposal was approved and funded by the Italian Ministry of Culture and the National Center of Books and Reading. “Let’s Booktrailers! Reading, cinema, and magic at school “ is a structured learning path through which JUMP will train, during the school year 2023/2024, teachers from two local schools, cooperating at the same time with the two bookshops and the local “Women library” of Soverato, in a strategic partnership aimed at the organization of opportunities and events for the promotion of reading and creation of booktrailers and reading labs, dedicated to schools and local citizens.

EU-READ&ART’s results and updates will be continuously uploaded on the eye-catching project platform, which already hosts more than 530 booktrailers, having overcome the planned goal of 500. Many more are going to be added, as demonstrated by the following excerpt from feedback written by the Estonian teachers at the end of the training they attended.

“Among our students, we see a disturbing amount of deterioration in functional reading skills as well as a tendency to remain mere social media users when using digital devices. That is why we looked for solutions to help us change this trend. We also wanted the knowledge, experience and learning of teachers from other countries on how to promote reading and a better understanding of the text among students in cooperation with the development of new digital skills.

In our search, we came to the Erasmus+ cooperation partner JUMP, who taught us how to move closer to our goal using modern methodologies. In addition, the organization has a long-term experience in training teachers, and during the training we learned to use modern digital solutions that are of interest to young people.

Our teacher Pietro Saltatetti is very professional, helpful, and patient. In addition to the practical skills of how to make a trailer and what is important to highlight from a book, we also received a lot of exciting information about media literacy, which we will definitely teach our students. We also liked the fact that the acquired skills do not have to be just for making book trailers, but as a teacher, we can make short films with the class or create memorable memories of our family events.

We share the knowledge and skills gained during the week in Soverato with the language teachers of our county and the students of our school. One student has already chosen to make a book trailer as his creative work.”


Author: Alessia Simonetti – JUMP Team