Teaching Europe course. The EU, its functioning, and new priorities for the years 2021-2027

“Educated side by side, untroubled from infancy by divisive prejudices, acquainted with all that is great and good in the different cultures, it will be borne in upon them as they mature that they belong together. Without ceasing to look to their own lands with love and pride, they will become in mind Europeans, schooled and ready to complete and consolidate the work of their fathers before them, to bring into being a united and thriving Europe.” – (Marcel Decombis, Head of European School)
Have you ever considered including teaching Europe in your subject at school?
Nowadays, Teaching Europe is one of the most elaborate themes to propose to young pupils.
Teaching Europe doesn’t mean only teaching a subject. It’s a cross-sectorial topic connecting more subjects.

Don’t you know how to start?
Here we are!
The JUMP Training Academy proposes a peculiar course whose aim is to foster European principles and objectives to open both teachers’ and pupils’ minds and let them be aware of its importance at the global level.

The TEACHING EUROPE course is designed for all who want to deepen their knowledge and improve to foster EU awareness of the so-called “European Citizenship Education” (ECE), also from a critical perspective.

Starting from a theoretical framework in which Europe is described, by the end of the course, it will be ensured you will have good knowledge about its history, its structure, and its institutions. Later, by promoting European principles and values you will understand how important being an active European citizen is.

You will know the rights and advantages of having European Union Citizenship; you will feel more aware of the fundamental role played by EDUCATION, and how your pupils can acquire Social, Civic, and Intercultural competencies by promoting democratic values and fundamental rights, social inclusion, and non-discrimination, as well as active citizenship; you will also understand how important is to enhance critical thinking and media literacy, particularly regarding the use of the internet and social media, to develop resistance to all forms of discrimination and indoctrination;
how you can foster education and training of disadvantaged children and young people, by ensuring that your education and training systems address their needs.

The reason why it is important to involve our pupils in the theme of European Union values and fostering its principles and objectives is that through teaching Europe, future generations are formed, more attentive to the planet’s needs, the digital transition, and global solidarity.

Trainee teachers can be teachers working in public or private schools or educational institutions. Participants are usually school leaders, including school directors or the persons in charge of school management and coordination.
Depending on the starting level of knowledge of the trainees, this course is structured to be versatile. Moreover, in line with the Jump Academy teaching methodology standards, this course, like all our courses, tries to balance formal and non-formal education, performed indoors and outdoors.
JUMP always tries to enhance the fundamental aspect of international mobility which is intercultural learning implemented through various interesting activities.

Come and join our course on TEACHING EUROPE. The EU, its functioning, and new priorities for the years 2021-2027.
Are you ready to JUMP?

Author: Roberta Muratore – JUMP Team