Storytelling: the ancient art to express the inner world

It is not uncommon to visit some local fair, in fact, you may do it several times in a year. What could be less common is to find a storyteller and be taken away by the magic of their words, sounds and gestures!
As you hear the unfolding tale, images run through your mind eye awaken your senses in a way that feels supernatural. Each well-placed drum roll, voice intonation and visual prop give the feeling of being part of the story, of living it as you were really there!
It is an engaging experience, for your five senses, your mind and imagination. An enriching experience that always adds some new knowledge about human values and nature.

No matter if the characters are animals, imaginary creatures or mere humans, the storyteller has the ability to bring you within their point of view and see the world through new eyes.
But where does storytelling come from? And why is it so powerful?
The known example of a human being narrating a story, with visual medium, can be
witnessed through the paintings within the Cáceres caves in Spain, dated older than 64000 years.
Several more examples follow in our prehistoric ancestry and develop in an ever more sophisticated art through out the whole world. As far as we know, human kind has always told stories.

The story is a communication style that helps to transfer conceptions from one person (the storyteller) to another (the listener). A conception is a symbol or an icon charged with some intrinsic meaning, difficult to explain otherwise. Conceptions belong to each person’s inner world and to the intuitive nature of mankind. They help us organize and understand ourselves as well as the reality around us.
The reason why story telling is so effective, is its ability to have you walk in someone else’s shoes. To dive in the intimate nature of another being and live life through their mind and senses!

It helps reaching an external point of view and enriches the listeners inner world by contaminating it with that of the characters.
A storyteller art is that of fading the boundary between the virtual world of the story and the sensorial experience of the listener, in a way, so that the listener may interiorize the useful lessons the tale has to tell.
Learning storytelling as a teacher, may help you engage your students in a narrative, communicate valuable lessons in the field of: natural life, morals, civic education, emotions, communication and much more!
The only limit is your imagination.

After a tale is told, pupils may be prompted to critical thinking activities, new research projects and the exploration of ideas.
It is an excellent way to implement informal education in your curricular activities.

Written by
Giuseppe Perrotti, JUMP Trainer