Press release Circular Economy project by Out of the Box International (Belgium)

Out of the Box International, together with partners from Cyprus (CSI), Greece (IED & AKMI), Hungary (IMRO), Serbia (EDUFONS), Italy (JUMP) and Slovenia (MIITR) have launched the “CI-You: Circular economy youth leaders” project.
The CI-You Project aims to foster a sense of initiative and circular entrepreneurship among young people and to stimulate them to develop skills needed in circular economy through trainings and skills development.

Marko Paunovic, founder and CEO of Out of the Box International, emphasized the necessity of cross-sectoral cooperation in promoting and enhancing educational practices and policy initiatives that promote circular economy. It was particularly stressed that this concept is especially important when working with young people because different organizations can approach it trough different channels and practices and, in that way, ensure a large activation of young people.
The project will promote quality circular economy jobs in the consortium’s partner countries, by training the youth with the skills needed in a circular economy. The potential for youth to consider self-employment in the circular economy sector has not yet been fully realized in the European Union and many young people have circular economy related professional and vocational skills, but not circular entrepreneurial skills.
The Main Aim of the CI-You project is to help further improve the level of green business culture in Europe by providing the youth with knowledge and concepts in the field of the circular economy.

The objectives of the project are the following:
(1) To lead the young people to CE and make it attractive for them so that they will be able to promote and exploit career opportunities in the field of CE;
(2) To develop a clearly defined CE business strategy for young entrepreneurs towards the creation of ‘green’ jobs;
(3) To create flexible learning resources, capable of providing, evaluating and recognizing the key competencies that enhance the youths’ capability to employ themselves or to be employed in the CE sector;
(4) To enable young people, educators, youth organisations, policy makers and other stakeholders to understand the principles and benefits of CE to the environment and to the economy;
(5) To roll out the concept of CE business on a wider domestically and outside the EU scale, to support integrated policies and address current barriers to the implementation of the principles of CE into businesses strategy and goals.
The CI-YOU project is implemented by 8 partners from Belgium (OTB), Cyprus (CSI), Greece (IED & AKMI), Hungary (IMRO), Serbia (EDUFONS), Italy (JUMP) and Slovenia (MIITR).
For more information, please refer to to project webpage:

The CI-You Project, co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union, is led by Out of the Box International, in cooperation with CSI (Cyprus), IED (Greece), AKMI (Greece), Hungary (IMRO), Serbia (EDUFONS), Italy (JUMP) and Slovenia (MIITR)

Out of the Box International (Belgium)