Reflections from the Learning journal of the team that organized and hosted the amazing second LTTA (Learning Teaching and Training Activity) of Natural Born Teachers Erasmus+ project, the teachers and school staff of the Estonian pre-school Tallinn Männi Kindergarten.
“Our teachers Liis Hinno, Karin Lubi, Susanna Berezina, Kirgit Tsarents, Svetlana Põldes, Head of Studies, psychologist Evelin Kala and special needs teacher Sandra Rovbut welcomed guests from Italy and Portugal. Time went very fast and in four days we managed to show the guests as much as we could.
On the first day, we got to know the new participants. Kerli Hanni, a music teacher, showed how creativity and music can erase boundaries when they come together. Guests were able to take part in our traditional cymbal orchestra. Our teacher Jaanika Monroc conducted a yoga class for the guests and children. In the evening, Evelin led a tour of Tallinn Old Town.
On the second day, the guests were divided into groups for Jobshadowing activities, observing lessons with children in the classrooms. Feedback on the activities was very positive.
On the same day, Kirgit and Susanna talked to the guests about waste sorting in Estonia. The guests were introduced to Estonia’s waste collection and recycling system and the collection containers for paper, plastic, glass and clothes. They also showed innovative kinds of waste collection and Circular economy recycling facilities that are quite rare in Italy and Portugal, such as Reverse vending machines for bottle recycling, where you can deliver plastic bottles and receive shopping coupons.
Each year, 1.4 trillion beverage containers are used around the world, representing a vast amount of material that can be collected and reused or recycled. If this is done in the right way, we can help protect our planet by minimizing plastic pollution and litter, conserving precious resources like energy and water, and reducing the greenhouse gas emissions associated with creating containers from scratch.
In the evening of the second day of our LTT2 we visited the Estonian Open Air Museum with the lovely Eliis, who gave us a tour of the museum and introduced us to Estonian history through the ages.
On the third day, we visited the recently rebuilt Rõõmupesa kindergarten. The guests were very interested in the architecture and environment that facilitate and inspire learning, socialization, creativity and play. Lunch was spent at the KUMUS, where a tour and a creative workshop were held. In the workshop, the teachers were able to put their artistic and teamwork skills to the test.
On the last day, psychologist Evelin gave a lecture on “Mindfulness everyday”, where we shared our experiences and thoughts, and ended the lecture with a meditation.
Karin and Liis introduced us to the Bullying Free Method and the Purple Bears. The lecture with fun games and dances made the day even warmer.
We started the project in Portugal in October and will finish in Italy in May, but so far we have learnt a lot and developed as a team, realising that we are working together for a common goal. Everything is not always perfect, but we give 100% every day. We are necessary and valuable for who we really are as individuals.
There is still a lot to learn, but we have come a long way! Less is more and we are looking forward to new challenges in Italy, where we will meet all the project participants for the last LTTA from the 6th to the 10th of May 2024, Stay tuned!
Author: Alessia Simonetti – JUMP Team