Main topics
Good practices for teachers’ and students’ wellbeing
Outdoor/Nature-based learning
Mindfulness at school
In line with eTwinning Annual Theme 2024
Wellbeing at school
JUMP Association, (Soverato – Italy), leader of the ERASMUS+ project “Natural Born Teachers” developed in the SCHOOL EDUCATION field, is glad to invite teachers and educators all around Europe to join the 2 final Online International Dissemination Conferences that will be held on May 29th and June 6th – 3 – 4:30 pm.
The conferences will be a precious opportunity to share with all the School Education community the results, findings and tools and methodologies developed during this Erasmus+ project, thanks to the fruitful cooperation with the partners schools
Agrupamento de Escolas Elias Garcia (Sobreda – Portugal), Tallinn Männi kindergarten (Tallinn – Estonia), together with the local school involved by the leader JUMP Association, Istituto Comprensivo “M. Squillace – Montepaone” (Montepaone – Italy).
Embark on a journey of transformation with our conferences, exploring the intersection of mindfulness, emotional competences, and nature-based education in teaching and learning.
We will explore teachers’ success stories, good practices and strategies to enhance effectiveness and well-being in education.
Moreover, we are going to present and share the Toolkit co-created by participating teachers and experts belonging to all partners involved, rich of activity plans and tips useful for teachers wellbeing and to lead activity with students. The Toolkit will later be sent free of charge to all conference participants, as an Open Educational Resource.
Gain insights to navigate the challenges of the post-pandemic era, foster resilience, and create inclusive, sustainable learning environments, going back to the essence of education, and supporting teachers’ and students’ wellbeing, empowering their role within the school and the broader community.
Mindful teachers for mindful students
How to participate
The ZOOM link to join these free online conferences will be sent out via email to all the registered participants one week in advance.
Thanks to Erasmus+ project “Natural Born Teachers” 2022-2-IT02-KA210-SCH-000099778 participation in these Conferences is free of charge.
Welcome to join!
Please Share this invitation with other educators, teachers, school staff, parents, researchers, and contacts who may be interested.
Sharing is caring.
Discover more about the project and follow the learning path on FB:
Disclaimer: “Co-funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.”