NATURAL BORN TEACHERS. Health-Wellbeing And Mindfulness In The Teaching Profession

This training is a unique invention of JUMP and the idea is based on the experience we are living while developing a K2 Erasmus project ongoing with partners from different countries. 

At the base of this training program there are the needs collected by hundreds of European teachers who were consulted in relation to teaching profession and the actual level of wellbeing and stress. 

Teachers are agents of change and their vocation in life should be teaching. Yet a teacher’s professional life nowadays is totally different from what it used to be. Sometimes for the best and others for the worst,  technologies entered our life and we all live in a very fast paced digital era. Paperwork became cumbersome and time-consuming. Living the true essence of teaching and building relationships with students becomes scarce and disappears within a stressful and busy daily schedule. We never seem to get enough time.

NATURAL BORN TEACHERS (NBT) is a training structured in 6 days, from Monday to Saturday which combines 3 main elements;

  • outdoor activities. To stimulate body movement through guided physical activities, discover nature and explore the local context while learning about Calabria’s culture and traditions;
  • relaxation. Both at sunrise and at sunset, on the beach as well as on  Soverato’s hill through sessions of mindfulness, yoga and other meditation;
  • team building. Thanks to group activities, games and cooking lessons.

An initial phase of brainstorming, understanding learning needs and expectations, an evaluation in the middle of the week, a final evaluation at the end of the week and a commitment, as school staff, to design your new course of action as you return to your daily life and home country.


  • Understand how to use mindfulness, yoga and meditation to improve teacher’s relationships and wellbeing;
  • Learn about local culture, traditions and places of interest;
  • Enjoy physical activities like walking in nature;
  • How to implement non-formal education practices and methodologies;
  • Understand the Mediterranean diet while practicing tasty and healthy Italian recipes;
  • Get to know the Italian educational system.

To read the full program explore the dedicated page on our website and enrol to the course, ask for info and how to join us in the next session!

HERE the link to the course program and how to apply for it.