EPDM – EUROPEAN PROJECT DESIGN&MANAGEMENT. Access To European Funds And European Citizenship Education

This training course was created to improve project management skills and to increase access to European funds for all those who are interested in developing International cooperation projects and learn a common base for all EU Programs. The training is aimed at those who wish to further develop their project management and leadership skills in network with others and in a focused learning environment.

The training focuses mainly on issues met by project managers who work with international projects with intercultural team members and stakeholders. It is challenging to work as a project manager. Working with international project management adds the extra challenges of dealing with different cultures, languages, geographically dispersed team members and/or managers, and perhaps also time zones.

The Training offers you the possibility to develop the specific skills associated with working as an international project manager, based on the global perspective incorporated in the programme which focuses on challenges met by project managers in an international and inter-cultural context. The strength of the Course lies in the fact that its teaching method is based on learning by doing, so during the flow of sessions participants are constantly involved in planning activities related to project design, performed on behalf of the most important European resources and point of reference in this field. That is how the Course is able to offer practical, certified training that is constantly being updated on the procedures used in European project management. 

The approach used in the European Project Management in-service training course is highly practical, based on the expertise of the course trainers who have around 10 years experience in European project management and planning.

A practical simulation is carried out for each topic in focus during the European Project Design part.

The European Project Management course aims to provide participants with the skills to enable them to effectively manage a European project. This includes:

  • managing contractual procedures with the European Commission;
  • organizing and planning the project work;
  • managing the project partnership;
  • monitoring the project development and evaluating its outcomes;
  • creating and delivering project reports;
  • managing the financial and administrative issues of the project.

​As all our programs, the present one is flexible and adaptable to special requests, depending on the subject taught or on the starting level of the participant. 

Furthermore, in line with the JUMP Academy method, our courses are based on a strategic balance between formal and non formal education, indoor and outdoor education and the team takes care of a very important aspect of international mobility which is the intercultural learning which we develop with short excursions and facilitating the interaction with local partners, especially schools of the territory. 

We always try to connect our learners to local teachers and students to cooperate in developing innovation and networking for future projects. If possible, inside the program, a morning is spent inside a local school, visiting, observing and cooperating in the realization of one or more lessons. The proposed program is framed by JUMP, in a European dimension, and with an international spirit, even at the local level.  According to the period of the training along the year and the weather conditions, it is possible to change some sessions and to add visits and meetings, in cooperation with our network of partners (including schools involved in European projects).


  • Understand the general framework of Eu funds and opportunities for schools and other target groups
  • Know about approved and ongoing projects, how they are structured and how they are managed
  • Learn how to think, design and write concretely a draft proposal
  • Learn about technicalities for successful projects
  • Understand the importance of dissemination and use of project results

To read the full program explore the dedicated page on our website and enrol to the course, ask for info and how to join us in the next session!

HERE the link to the course program and how to apply for it. 
