ECO-SCHOOL. Ecology Education Course For Teachers And Educators

Are you wondering if your school is green?

Many buildings and working environments are not built according to innovative “ecological and environmentally friendly” criteria. In addition, schools are still located in old buildings that often do not have access to green spaces. Some are located in big cities, European capitals, small towns, or rural areas, all of them with their advantages and disadvantages. What does it mean to be an ecological person? Is it about knowing scientifically what is happening in the interaction between nature and humans? Is it about knowing how the world is changing and how we can contribute to that change with our lifestyle, and for the better?

These questions would already be enough for a long debate to formulate valuable answers. There is something else that we underestimate when it comes to ecology/environment topics: Namely, the need for more education. Which we can call “ecology”, “environmental education”, and “sustainability education”.

Many teachers and students of the new generation are already environmentally conscious, especially in 2019 and 2020, when the influence of Greta Thunberg shook us all up, for better or worse, and opened our eyes to the fact that, even if the debate between scientists, ecologists, and other stakeholders – does not clarify the global direction in which we are heading – each of us can do small acts every day to save the planet. The fact is, we do not have a Planet B. Schools are the first place where children are educated to be good citizens of the future and learn how to achieve their life dreams. This course was only recently planned (2020) and was created with the idea of transversal competencies in mind.

Ecology, eco-friendliness, recycling, reusing, the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals, EU Climate Action… All these are key themes of the course “ECO-SCHOOL”.

Science or geography teachers are not the only ones responsible for teaching ecology.

All teachers, from language teachers to subject teachers, and especially School Directors, have the opportunity to teach “more ecologically” or introduce the “green transversal subject” into their teaching method and teaching contents.

This course is based on sharing and discovering together among educators and teachers, creating a common base of knowledge and terms to change the classical teaching methodology used in schools, more formal and static, for a more outdoor, non-formal, and innovative setting.

The topic of ecology is integrated into each subject through practical new lesson plans which line up with other trendy methods used among European teachers. Technology is also used to create a bridge between nature and the digital world.

Eco-Schools is a democratic and participatory program that provides an excellent opportunity for pupils to experience active citizenship in school. It brings many benefits both to schools and the wider community.

1. Empowering every learner
(Knowledge and understanding, Building confidence and life skills, Developing ethics and intelligence, Creating responsible citizens)
2. Positive Environmental Change
3. Increased Environmental Awareness
4. Improved student performance and success
5. A stronger sense of community


  • get a general and a specific understanding and awareness about ECO-SCHOOL practices and methodologies
  • know the guidelines of the European and the Global frameworks of ECO-SCHOOL 
  • develop skills needed to apply new practices in the school system based on local needs and contexts of work
  • learn how to plan educational activities that include ECO-SCHOOL principles
  • strengthen outdoor education competences
  • widening the ability to engage students with interactive activities that foster cooperation and active learning.

To read the full program explore the dedicated page on our website and enrol to the course, ask for info and how to join us in the next session!

HERE the link to the course program and how to apply for it.