CI.YOU – Training for youths in Brussels – JUMP Team is ready to go!

woman placing sticky notes on wall

JUMP has completed the selection of 5 young people aged between 18 and 25 years old for the training for future youth leaders on behalf of the K2 Erasmus Plus project “CI-YOU Circular Economy Youth Leaders” which will take place in Brussels from May 26th to May 31st, 2023.

Teresa Ferragina, Elisa Cervarolo, Samuel Petruzza, Andrea Jeanne Julio e Claudia Mellace, 5 youth living in Calabria, are ready to live this experience that will enrich them with new competences for their future.
In preparation to the training they’ve been invited to explore the project website and register to the e-learning platform which contains an E-library, E-database, Youth Entrepreneurship and Circular Economy news and successful business stories.

JUMP has also chosen the team leader and training accompanying them during the mobility, Enriko Ceko, professor at University of Tirana, expert in circular economy, economics and business.

The team is ready to fly!


Here the pictures of the first meeting with the JUMP team selected!