A new era has just started for the JUMP Training Academy of Soverato, Calabria – Italy

Education means to believe in change

GOOD NEWS for the world of EDUCATION!
A new year has just started for the JUMP Training Academy of Soverato, the experienced Training Provider situated in the beautiful Ionian coast of the italian country, with new training proposals for 2021-2022.

In the last 5 years, more than 520 teachers, educators, entrepreneurs, school staff and other organizations working in the field of education, training, international development of EU projects, have participated in high quality training experiences rich in intercultural activities and a real international environment, through the Erasmus Plus Program or other funding programs supporting mobility of EU and extra EU citizens.

Because of the current situation all world countries are living due to the COVID-19 pandemic, we need to change the way of teaching and learning, because education means to believe in change.
The JUMP Training Academy has decided to improve the quality of teachers training in Europe with new training proposals offering on-site courses in Soverato (Calabria), available also in the online version, re-shaped and re-designed according to the specific needs of learners.

The new JUMP catalogue is online and published on the new website, full of news, video, projects and ideas. https://www.associazionejump.it/

Here, the list of the 31 new trainings provided by the JUMP Training Academy.
Business English
Clil is practice
Coaching&Mentoring – Innovative techniques for teachers, mentors, and educators to fight drop up and motivate youth
Cultural Studies in Business
Critical Thinking for future generation thinkers
ECO-SCHOOL – Ecology education course for teachers and educators
Emotional competences.Developing Emotional Intelligence in teachers and student
ENTREPRENEURSHIP/FINANCIAL EDU – Building sustainability from schools to the labor market
European Global Education as a new pedagogical approach
European Heritage as a pedagogical and integration tool
EPDM – European Project Design and Management
Experience Italy – Language, culture, and food in the Calabria region
GSSLT – Gaming as a social skills learning tool
JOYFUL ENGLISH COURSE – Basic English or upgrade English language course for teachers and educators
INCLUSION. Inclusive Strategies to develop inclusion at school towards a more inclusive society
MEDIA EDUCATION – Fighting bullying and foster inclusion
MIL Education. Media and Information Literacy
ONLINE TEACHING. Supporting teachers to face the new frontiers in the digital era
OUTDOOR EDUCATION – to improve pupils participation and fight drop out
OUTDOOR LEARNING – Teachers and staff team building – working together and build cooperation projects
School Living Theater
S.O.S. European Citizenship Education
SPECIAL NEEDS STUDENTS – Practices and policies in the European context
STEM/STEAM Education – new frontiers for innovative schools
Stress Management to improve teaching performance and personal life of teachers
Teaching is Communication
The EU, its functioning and new priorities for the years 2021-2027
TICO Training – Teaching is Innovation, Communication and Outdoor Education
T&T – Teaching & Technology
VIDEOMAKING@SCHOOL – Classrooms in action and digital storytelling
For all info and to enroll, write to associazionejump@gmail.com
We also tailor training programs according to specific needs and we always accept new proposals to design a new training.

We are ready to start again, with new hope and expectations, believing in a new and a better world, building Europe in a small town.


The JUMP Training Academy