How to heal the deep wounds that take away the pleasure of living?
This is one of the existential questions of the human being that have been faced in the book “The inner healer” (Il curatore interno). The author, Gioia Panozzo, describes an autobiographical story of a self-healing journey, sharing concrete tools and practices dedicated to every reader who wishes to experience it and benefit from a profound healing transformation.
Awakening our inner healer means awakening our consciousness for self-healing, becoming the protagonist of our own life and healing our mind, emotions and body with love. In the 21st century, the neurosciences, together with psychology, have been discovering how the transduction between systems – including any emotion or thought – synchronically provokes changes in all physiological systems, promoting well-being or discomfort. This book is a treasure trove of examples of this nature.
Gioia Panozzo was born in Venezia (Italy) in 1948.
After two dramatic experiences, cancer and the death of her first daughter, she searched for a new meaning in life through many wise men and masters all over the world. With enlightenment she found answers and she dedicates herself to sharing them through consultations, training courses, and lectures, in Italy and in Brazil.
Enjoy the book trailer realized by Alessia Simonetti from JUMP Association!